March 22nd, 2007

Love-Hate Relationship

I’m at Best Buy two, three times a week. It’s got stuff I like to look at and stuff I like to buy. I enjoy buying stuff there and they seem to enjoy me buying stuff.

So why is it, pray tell, that any time I have to return something it’s the worst experience a person can have and makes me never want to set foot in the place again?

March 6th, 2007

All Of A Sudden

I knew it was too good to last. I’ve gone from having no neighbors to apparently having 1,000 of them. I’m not sure how they’re fitting all of those people in the apartments next to mine, but I know exactly how those people are getting from wherever they go during the day to back here: in one of the 8,000 cars parked in front of my apartment.

Seriously, if I get back later than, oh, say, 7 p.m.? No place to park at all. Up until last week I could choose any of about ten spaces, and now? Nothing. I’m parking in front of apartments I didn’t even know were apartments.


Funny thing is, this is what it’s taken for me to start seriously thinking about buying a house. A lack of parking. That’s what it took. Even in my frustrations there’s a quirk factor that can barely be believed.

November 30th, 2006

That’s Me In The Corner

I never expected it to happen to me. I’m not sure how it did. I’m frustrated and I feel helpless.

I can’t login to my Yahoo! account. It won’t recognize my password and the password recall function isn’t working for me. On some computers I had it set to “Remember Me” and can still do some things, like make my picks for the football league I’m in see that I have 5 emails. But when it asks me to verify my password so I can check my email, it says it’s incorrect.

I’ve gone through the proper channels with tech support but have heard nothing from them. I hate, hate, hate being up against something faceless – I can’t talk to an actual person to get anything resolved, and don’t know what I can do from here.

I only use my Yahoo! email for a few things, but I do use it. More importantly, though, my Flickr account is tied into my Yahoo account and if I can’t log in to Yahoo, I can’t log in to Flickr.

I guess the loss isn’t too big, in the grand scheme of things. It’s the effect it’s having on my psyche that’s harder to take. I’m losing my faith in technology. It’s always been there for me, you know? It does what it’s told, and when it fails it’s usually pretty easy to figure out why. But this… well, it makes no sense. I have different passwords on my different accounts and I use them every day, so I know which one goes with what and I know which password went with this one. So since this happened with Yahoo!, is it going to happen with my other stuff? I didn’t lose much with this one, but I’ve got plenty to lose with some of the others and no easy way to back it up. In fact, having it online was the way to back some of it up.

I’m actually on edge, feeling nervous. I don’t like it and I still feel powerless to do anything about it.