May 6th, 2013


My BirthdayCourtesy of PBF Comics, which aren’t necessarily always something I’d recommend.


Seems kind of silly to do a birthday post on a blog I barely touch any more, but I’m a man of tradition.

The most exciting things that happened to me this year were both surgeries. They weren’t fun, but hey, sometimes you need some surgery. The positive side is that they scared me off eating for a while here and there and I’ve lost 20 pounds or so. I think maybe for a while I had lost more, but I’ve put some back on.

Other than that, not much going on. I have some ideas for some things here in the future that could make next year’s entry more exciting, but we’ll have to see how all that works out. I’m sure I’ll let you know.

Live long and prosper!

May 6th, 2012

Geordi, Geordi, Look Who’s 40

Bloom County, by Berkeley Breathed


I honestly never thought this day would come. But here we are, in spite of all the Twinkies, root beer, and sitting around. 40 years old.  Well, “we” meaning “me,” unless you also happen to be 40, in the which case I offer you the same grim nod I expect from you.

I told myself that I wouldn’t engage in all the normal introspection that seems to happen when people turn 40. “Too cliché!” I said. Turns out, there’s nothing you can do about it. It’s a thing put into the very strands of your being – everything that has a beginning has an end, and anyone who knows they had a beginning can see the end coming.

Yes, yes, I know – 40 is no big deal. Some people live another 60 years after 40! Forty today is like… I don’t know, thirteen 300 years ago. That’s not really the point, I guess. I don’t feel like I’m on Death’s door, but I do feel older, certainly. Forty seems like a good spot to look around, take stock, and figure out what to do from here. I think it’s probably okay to do some introspection at 40, just like it’s okay to do it at 80, 25, or 13.  Dolly Parton said it this way: “”Find out who you are and do it on purpose!””

So I had one goal this year. Remember it? Well, I didn’t quite make it. I did have 29 posts, which works out to an average of one post every 1.7 weeks. that’s better than the previous years’ averages, and even more importantly, I’ve gotten the taste for it again and look forward to writing. I’m going to shoot for One Post A Week again this coming year, and have been considering project posts like my Weird Al series. Maybe Schwarzenegger movies? An in-depth look at licorice? How about signing up for experimental drug tests? Maybe all of those things!  The sky, as they say, is the limit.

Thanks for sticking around – some of you I’ve known all 40 of those years (hi, family!), some I’ve only known a couple, but I’m glad you’re in my life. Thanks for a pretty good first 40. Here’s to the next 40!

May 6th, 2011

Ask Me Why

Song Info (from Beatlesongs):”Ask Me Why” is on the Please Please album, and was 70% written by Lennon, 30% by McCartney.  It was not a Top 40 hit.

My BirthdayCourtesy of PBF Comics, which aren’t necessarily always something I’d recommend.

This last year was a good one!  I went and got myself married to a wonderful woman and we are going about the business of building a home and life together.  We’re a month and a half away from being married for a year, and I’m looking forward to many great years ahead.

So that’s my List of Things Done from this last year.  Shorter than the last couple of years, I know, but I don’t care.

Here’s the thing, though. If I live that long, next year I’ll turn 40. 40!  I never for a minute figured I’d get to 40.  I still might not, but it’s close enough to think about. Forty is that age where you are required by law to have a list of things you wanted to do before you got there. I never put a list like that together, and it seems like it might be a little late to cram “go skydiving!” and “learn Klingon!” into this one year.  Beside all that, I don’t really have a list of such things that I want to accomplish.

Well… there is one thing.

It’s been on my mind a lot lately that I don’t write. I certainly don’t write here, as a quick perusal of the dates on the last 5 entries will attest. I don’t really write anywhere. My Twitter usage is down and I don’t even update my Facebook status much. I don’t really have any creative outlet at all. I’m not sure if it’s my lack of ideas that keep me from creating, or if it’s my not actually doing any sort of output that is squelching ideas.  Either way, the result is the same.

So. I’ve considered this for a while, and though I am hesitant to say it out here in public, it really is something I want to do, so maybe the accountability will help.

I want to write at least one blog entry a week. Considering I’ve only done 12 in the last year, that’s a fairly sizable goal. But there it is.  I don’t know why that’s what I want to do, I only know it is what I want to do. I’m fairly certain I’ve lost any audience I had at one time, but I need to do it for me.  Sure, I’d like other people to read it and enjoy it, but I really feel like I need to do this even if I’m the only one who reads it.

If I miss a week, feel free to Ask Me Why. First goal is to finish this Beatles Week!