December 1st, 2009

Beatles Week III: With A Vengeance

Beatles Week ends up being my favorite “week” of the year, blog-wise. Sure, I know that I’m a slacker blogger, but that’s part of the appeal of Beatles Week for me: for the next eight entries I have subject suggestions. Of course, it also works against me, because the closer I get to Beatles Week, the more I think, “Ooh, I could blog that — but wait! Beatles Week is coming! I’ll just do it then.”

Here’s the original explanation of Beatles Week:

I declare next week to be Beatles Week here on Basically what that means is that my next week’s worth of posts will be inspired by the titles of Beatles songs. This doesn’t mean that the posts will be about The Beatles, just that the song title will guide the post.

Since I know I haven’t been the most faithful of bloggers recently, I’m going to stretch the definition of “week” a bit and say that my next week’s worth of blogging will follow this theme. Since the blogging week is like the work week, that means the next five entries will fall under the “Beatles Week” heading.

If you have a blog and are interested in joining in, here is a list of song titles (with lyrics) and there’s also the Wikipedia version. Leave a link in the comments if you’re planning to join in!

Last year I made the change that a “week’s worth” in this case would mean eight entries, based on the Beatles song “Eight Days a Week.”

I don’t plan these ahead, as a general rule. While I have one or two ideas, I tend to read a list of titles and see what strikes me. As usual, you’re welcome to join me by doing Beatles Week on your blog, too. If you do so, you’ll be the first person to do it!

One Comment on “Beatles Week III: With A Vengeance”

  1. daniel says:

    I started a Beatles Week!

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