December 1st, 2008

Beatles Week II: Eclectic Boogaloo

Has it already been a year? My, my, my. I’m going to go ahead and quote from last year’s introductory entry to explain what Beatles Week is all about:

I declare next week to be Beatles Week here on Basically what that means is that my next week’s worth of posts will be inspired by the titles of Beatles songs. This doesn’t mean that the posts will be about The Beatles, just that the song title will guide the post.

Since I know I haven’t been the most faithful of bloggers recently, I’m going to stretch the definition of “week” a bit and say that my next week’s worth of blogging will follow this theme. Since the blogging week is like the work week, that means the next five entries will fall under the “Beatles Week” heading.

If you have a blog and are interested in joining in, here is a list of song titles (with lyrics) and there’s also the Wikipedia version. Leave a link in the comments if you’re planning to join in!

Okay? S’alright. My first entry will be titled “Carry That Weight,” and should show up before the end of the day tomorrow. Join in! you don’t have to know any Beatles songs at all to be a part of it!

2 Comments on “Beatles Week II: Eclectic Boogaloo”

  1. Anonymous says:

    Will you reformat your blog page to be all white in honor of the occasion?

  2. Eric says:

    Yes! It's back! And after Beatles week I will be waiting for the Dave Clark Five week.

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