I Hope So, Too
My brother sent these cards along to me yesterday, drawn by my nephew (6 years old) and niece (4). As I understand the procedure, the kids draw and/or write, the results are scanned, and then the scanned pics are fiddled with in Photoshop according to the wishes of the specific kid.
This one is by my nephew, and he’s very aware of the cat situation at my place, i.e., that there are some. I believe the mouse is intended to be a gift to the cats for my birthday. The Photoshop filters used are his current favorites.
Natalie has chosen to write her birthday greetings to me, with translations by my brother. He swears these are word-for-word translations, and he’s pretty sure that the “I hope you deserve something” in the lower right corner means she wants me to get presents and isn’t some sort of judgment call on her part. William Munny would tell her “Deserve’s got nothin’ to do with it,” but I still appreciate her intent.
Thanks, kiddos!
Everybody deserves something. You just might not want that something. It could be horrific… like water chestnuts.
Grace = not getting what you really deserve.
I am clearly messed up because I totally read the "i hope you deserve something" in a very accusatory tone. Uffda.
I don't think Natalie has the ability to accuse, she's too dog gone cute.