August 22nd, 2006

I’m A Rebel, Dottie

Not ten minutes ago I ran upstairs. With scissors.

6 Comments on “I’m A Rebel, Dottie”

  1. Brandy says:

    And last night I was watching peewee's playhouse.

    What a cooincidence!

  2. the obscure says:

    I didn't get it. Do I have to change my name now?

  3. Lisa says:

    You're a mad man!

  4. BNick says:

    I assume that you composed this message with the use of only one eye.

    …unless, of course, you're still using the short, rounded, ineffectual scissors from kindergarten.

  5. the obscure says:

    I suspect most implements at Mup's house are ineffectual.

  6. HorizonPurple says:

    Kids today.

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