August 23rd, 2005

Happy Birthday, Evil Cat

It’s Nutmeg’s birthday today. She is three years old and decided to start the day off being even more annoying than usual in her attempts to wake me up.


Even though she’s prone to hiss at people and bite them, she seems to like me – at least, when no one else is around. She’s the one most likely to follow me around the house, seemingly in an attempt to be near me.

I do love her dearly, even if I can’t pick her up for longer than ten seconds.

Here’s one of my favorite pictures of her, in celebration of her birthday:

Happy Birthday, Nutmeg. Maybe after work I’ll bring you home something you can bite.

6 Comments on “Happy Birthday, Evil Cat”

  1. Brian Arnold says:


  2. the obscure says:

    awwwww, whadda cute lil kitty!

  3. Angie says:

    *Insert typical "Aww, how cute. Oh, that cat's not bad, either." quote.*

    *Inster laughter*

    *Insert apology on my part for bad and overused joke.*

    *Insert… something else.*

    *Eat some cake*

  4. hp says:

    I read this at work. Comment from Tracey re cat: Awwwww!

    Comment from Kirsty re image: "Awwwwwwww! Does the evil part mean the cat or the guy?"

  5. MadMup says:

    I guess "evil" could refer to me, too, but I meant it to refer to Nutmeg.

    Wait a minute – does that mean Kirsty thinks I'm cute? *blush*

  6. hp says:

    There were comments made of non feline cuteness.

    I can say no more.

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